In Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom lies the village – and the lake – of Island Pond. Island Pond also serves as the headwaters for the Clyde River, which flows 40 miles northwest to Lake Memphremagog. The area is rich in wildlife and is known for its abundant and diverse fisheries hosting trout, salmon, bass, and many other species. Island Pond and environs is a great destination for fisherman and paddlers in search of off-the-beaten-path lakes and running streams.
Put in in the town of Island Pond and take out at either Five Mile Square Road or Route 105 at Ten Mile Square Road access points.
Trip Details
- NFCT Section: Section 6
- Trip Duration: 1 to 1 days
- Miles: 11
- Trip Portages: 1 possible
- Put In: Island Pond
- Take Out: Route 105 bridge at Ten Mile Square Rd
- Clyde River Recreation
- Trail Features