Trail Updates and Map Corrections
The Northern Forest Canoe Trail changes each year. Due to a long publication cycle for our maps, we recommend reviewing this webpage before embarking on a trip, or purchasing our Trail Ap. Changes and map corrections are summarized on the individual state pages that can be accessed via the tabs below. If you have any updates of your own to report, please contact Stewardship Director Noah Pollock at
New York
Map 1 Fulton Chain of Lakes to Long Lake
(latest reprint: spring 2019)
- Click Here to purchase the most recent printing of Map 1
- If you have an older printing (2004, 2008, 0r 2013) Click Here for the archived Trail Updates
Map 2 Long Lake to Saranac River
(latest reprint: 2014)
- Click Here to purchase the most recent printing of Map 2
- In northern most campsite on Indian Point (Upper Saranac Lake) is located further west, on point, not in the cove as marked.
- If you have an older printing (2004 or 2008) click here for the archived Trail Updates
Map 3 Saranac River to Lake Champlain
(latest reprint: spring 2019)
- Click Here to purchase the most recent printing
- October 2023: The Indian Rapids dam has been removed, exposing a short Class II rapid.
- Summer 2023: A project to add a fish ladder to the Imperial Mills dam is underway and ongoing. This requires a longer portage. Paddlers should takeout, river left well above the dam (look for yellow portage trail sign) and follow a trail to Suny Plattsburg campus. Work is expected to continue through 2025.
- A new campsite has been established near the southern end of Union Falls Pond (44.451609, -73.952747)
- The closed bridge over the Saranac River referenced in the Kent Falls carry description has been removed.
- A boat ramp providing access to Franklin Falls Pond is missing from the 2019 reprint. The launch is located here.
- (2021) Craig Von Bargen’s “Forest to Field” campsite is now open to not only through paddlers, but also those looking for a base camp while paddling in the area. Give him a call at 518-569-9756.
- If you have an older printing (2005/2012) click here for the archived Trail Updates
Vermont & Quebec
Map 4 Lake Champlain and the Missisquoi River
- Purchase current map (2018)
- First Edition (2005) Archived Updates
Map 5 Missisquoi River to Lake Memphremagog
- Purchase current map (2023). For older maps, See archived updates
- (Aug 2024) Anne O’Shea now allows paddlers to stay on her property at the upstream end of the portage around the Richford ledges. Please follow all site rules and sign her registration form.
- (June 2023): Sandra Jewett, the co-owner of the Jewett store, is generously offering tenting space for paddlers on her property at 279 Chem Peabody Rd along the “Grand Portage”, about 1/2 mile to the west of the store and 1.5 miles west of Perkins Pier. Camping is in her backyard. Please reach out to her in advance to let her know your plans., 450 292 3990 (which is a landline).
- (2023) Please note that overnight use at the public beach adjacent to Perkins Pier, Lake Memphremagog, is not officially permitted.
Map 6 Lake Memphremagog to the Connecticut River
(latest reprint: 2010)
- Click Here to purchase the most recent printing of Map 6 (2021)
- (2023) The Great Falls Campsite appear to being used by homeless. Plan to camp elsewhere.
- (2023) The “Pond View” campsite on Clyde Pond is used as a party site by locals, and a gathering place for homeless. Paddlers are advised to stay elsewhere.
- (2022) A new camping option is available on the Clyde River, above 5 Mile Square Road – Clyde River Camping (reserve via Hipcamp)
- (2021) The Upper Nulhegan is busy with beaver activity. Expect dozens of beaver dams above Wenlock, and plan extra time to navigate around the dams and through the alders, especially at low water.
- (2022) A new campsite (The Walker Campsite) has been established below the Route 105 road crossing downstream of Nulhegan Pond. Look for a set of timber steps leading up to a fine tenting area in a stand of pine (Google Map)
- 2nd Edition Archived Updates
- 1st Edition: Click Here for the archived Trail Updates
New Hampshire
Map 7 Connecticut River to Umbagog Lake
(latest reprint: 2021)
- Archived updates (2012 reprint
Map 8 Umbagog Lake to Rangeley Lake
(latest reprint: Spring 2021)
- The western terminus of the Rapid River Carry upstream is located at the Cedar Stump campsites, not slightly upstream as shown in the map. we incorrectly show the portage ending before the cedar stump campsites, which are shown slightly too far to the west. Coming from the east, staying on the carry requires taking a footpath south from Carry Road to the campsites. Look for a sign saying Cedar Stump. This 0.6 mile trail is rough and not wheelable.
- Archived updates for older printings (2005, 2012,2019)
Map 9 Rangeley Lake to Spencer Stream
(latest reprint: 2023)
- In the 2022 reprint, the Route Description numbering is off from Number 5 on. The description in the text box for point 5 refers to point 6 on the map, 6 refers to map point 7, and so on. This issue was corrected in the 2023 reprint
- The Carriage Road providing access to Round Barn and the Little Bigelow Gravel Pit remains closed .Archived updates for older maps
Map 10 Spencer Stream to Moosehead Lake
(Latest reprint: 2018)
- (June, 2024) The access to Attean Pond has been gated by a private landowner. While it is open sporadically, it is best o plan on accessing the area from Big Wood Lake or on Holeb Pond.
- The state boat ramp on Big Wood Pond should be where Pomerleau Park is labelled. Pomerleau Park is actually 0.7 miles to the north.
- Camping is no longer allowed at the private land at confluence of the Dead River and Spencer Stream. You are welcome to stop here for a picnic, however. The NFCT has established an alternative campsite location on an island near the portage take-out.
- The campsites shown on Long Pond are incorrect. There in an official campsites in the “Narrows” on the north side. It has been improved with a privy, picnic table, and tenting pads. The southern campsite is informal and unmaintained. The campsite shown at the confluence of Parlin Stream does not exist. More info
- Long Pond can be accessed via an informal launch off Parlin Stream that is not shown on our map. Google Map
- BPL and NFCT have established a campsite along the northeast shore of Long Pond (Google Map). Look for stone steps and signage. Due to changes in the river channel the index painted on the rock above the Demo Bridge is no longer accurate.
- The NFCT and BPL have established carries around around the most signficant rapid below the Demo Rd bridge to allow for a Class II run. The lower carry (the 0.5 mile Elbow Carry) is on the left and begins in a sweeping bend to the right, after the first few sets of rapids. Look for a sign to portage or scout.
- The Lamb’s Cove campsite on Moosehead Lake was left off the most recent map printing.
- Click here for archived updates
Map 11 Moosehead Lake to Umbazooksus Stream
(latest reprint: 2021)
- With the assistance of the NFCT, BPL now manages two additional campsites along Moosehead Lake’s western shore (google map)
- NFCT collaborated with Maine BPL to establish the Little W Campsite, close to Northeast Carry. Land on the cobble beach just past a small point.
- The state owned Village St Access is now gated. Paddlers can instead use Preo Beach Park (at the end of Preo St).
- Archived updates
Map 12 Umbazooksus Stream to Umsaskis Lake
(latest reprint: 2023)
- North Maine Woods Inc. now offer online registration for land use fees north of Moosehead Lake, on both NorthWoods and state lands. Please send your draft itinerary of overnight camping locations, along with expected dates, to, and you will receive a response indicating the total fees which you may pay by telephone. You can also call the North Maine Woods office at 207-435-6213 if you have questions.
- The Jaws campsite on Churchill Lake has been upgraded for use by users with disabilities with a 4′ wide, gravel trail leading to an accessible privy.
- Archived updates for older maps
Map 13 Umsaskis Lake to St. John River
(latest reprint: 2019)
- (Spring 2023) The takeout site shown by the 161 bridge is private. However Debra McBreairity (McBreairity Point Lodging) allows paddlers to utilize an alternative take-out on their land for a small fee. Current rates: Parking is $5/day, plus $2/boat. For more info, call (207) 398-6062
- (Summer 2020) North Maine Woods Inc. now offer online registration for land use fees north of Moosehead Lake, on both NorthWoods and state lands. Please send your draft itinerary of overnight camping locations, along with expected dates, to, and you will receive a response indicating the total fees which you may pay by telephone. You can also call the North Maine Woods office at 207-435-6213 if you have questions.
- Archived updates for older maps