Headwaters Campaign

The Headwaters Campaign is a collaboration of the Adirondack Council and Northern Forest Canoe Trail along with three lake associations — Blue Mountain Lake, Long Lake, and Raquette Lake — in the headwaters of the Raquette River Watershed.

The purpose of the Headwaters Campaign is to expand the communications and outreach capacity of the three lake associations in order to share stewardship-focused messaging (responsible recreation, invasive species prevention, Leave No Trace, etc.) with other local partners and to engage a broad base of stakeholders in watershed management planning.

Lake associations across the Adirondack Park play a vital role in safeguarding our precious lakes and waters from potential threats. This work is made possible in part through support provided by local and/or county government, as well as a variety of grant sources; however, the vast majority of this work is funded in large part by lake association members and carried out by contractors or volunteers.


Through its partnership with the Raquette Lake Preservation Foundation, the Adirondack Council recognized the growing need for additional support to these groups. The Council approached the Northern Forest Canoe Trail to partner up on writing a grant to fund a “Headwaters Campaign” that would provide staffing and advisory oversight to lake associations in the Raquette River Headwaters. That grant was awarded and funding will run through October 2024.


The Headwaters Campaign will support the region in moving towards a watershed-focused planning approach. One of the primary goals by the end of the project is to collectively develop a watershed management plan for the Raquette River Headwaters reflective of the interests of all the stakeholders involved in this campaign.


Some of the longer-term outcomes of the Headwaters Campaign include:


  • Continued staffing similar to the Headwaters Coordinator to directly support lake associations;
  • Improved watershed-scale partnerships between lake associations and other local stakeholders;
  • Increased financial and organizational stability of lake associations in the region;
  • Increased membership rates, public engagement and volunteer capacity for lake associations;
  • Improved public understanding of good stewardship practices, including responsible recreation and tourism, invasive species spread prevention (Clean, Drain, Dry), and Leave No Trace;
  • Regular forums for information sharing and to improve collective understanding of threats to watershed health, as well as collective solutions.


If successful, the Headwaters Campaign could provide a blueprint for other Adirondack headwater communities to follow in moving towards a more collective, watershed-focused approach to planning.

Raquette Lake Preservation Foundation

Raquette Lake is one of the most beautiful natural lakes in the Adirondack Park. Once you visit, your heart never leaves. RLPF’s number one priority is to prevent the introduction of invasive and harmful aquatic plants and animals into our waters.  The Foundation also strives to increase public awareness about invasive species and to facilitate research on prevention and control methods for invasive species. Click here to learn more.


Blue Mountain Lake Association

The Blue Mountain Lake Association is a community-based group dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the economic, cultural and physical facets of Blue Mountain Lake for the benefit of current and future generations. Click here to learn more.


Long Lake Association

The mission of the Long Lake Association (LLA) is to preserve and enhance the health and beauty of the lake and to promote its wise use for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. Click here to learn more.

The Headwaters Campaign is proud to share a new video series highlighting the Raquette Lake, Blue Mountain Lake, and Long Lake communities and ecosystems. This series showcases the ecological importance of these headwaters, while also celebrating the stewardship of those who care about these lakes. Follow the links below to view the videos.


Headwaters Video

Raquette Lake Video

Blue Mountain Lake Video

Long Lake Video

More Headwaters Campaign media:


Headwaters Coordinator Brings Experience to Unique Role (Adirondack Council, Aug. 15, 2023)