By Kate Williams
Yes indeed, March 1 is the paddling New Year chez NFCT, so we’d like to wish you the best for the paddling year ahead! Calm waters, wind at your back…we wish you all of that, and we hope our trail provides you with all that you need to wet your paddle and find adventure and inspiration. Have a look at our calendar of events for the spring and summer, and note (with great excitement) that our official guidebook is hot off the presses and ready to help you plan your trip.
Up here in the north country, we ring in the paddling season with snow and ice still prevailing. But that doesn’t stop some of our hardy (and thankfully safety conscious!) members from getting out there. Here’s the view over the bow from a February jaunt on the Niagara River who got out on the water for each of 12 consecutive months:
Me? I’m still thinking about what ski wax to use this weekend. But it is exciting to contemplate when and where I will first dip paddle into water in 2010. We hope you will share your paddling season stories with us. And we look forward to sharing a great paddling season with you.