In light of the spread of coronavirus and related health concerns, we’re sharing an update with you on upcoming Northern Forest Canoe Trail events.
With regret, we will be postponing our 2020 film festival slate. To the best of our ability, we will work with our partners to reschedule these events to the summer or fall, but in some cases cancellations may be necessary. Marthe Peterson from our team will be reaching out to current ticket holders in the coming days to inquire about refunds or whether you want to hold on to your tickets pending new dates.
At present, the Missisquoi Paddle-Pedal, scheduled for Saturday, June 20 is still scheduled. We will monitor the situation and provide updates as things develop, making a final decision by June 1st.
We still hope to offer our Waterway Work Trips, which begin in early July and continue throughout the summer. These trips are capped at 6-8 people and are held outdoors, so health risks are lessened, but as with the Paddle-Pedal, we will keep close tabs on how things transpire and update you as soon as possible. We will be following all state and federal social distancing guidelines regarding COVID-19. In addition, to provide flexibility in your planning, all registration fees are refundable should you decide to cancel.
We are always available to help you plan your next paddling venture. If you have any questions, please contact someone from our team:
- Executive Director Karrie Thomas,
- Stewardship Director Noah Pollock,
- Communications Director Chris Morris,
- Office Manager Marthe Peterson,
We will provide updates on our website and social media platforms as well.
Thank you for your patience. These are somewhat unprecedented times and we will continue to do our best to track the news and adjust our programming accordingly.