By Kate Williams
When people ask us what our kiosks are, I’m always a bit at a loss. At one level, they are informational signs that include map, image, and text information to inform paddlers and others about the NFCT route in a particular area. But as our two kiosk dedications in Maine this past weekend made so clear, our kiosks are also SO much more than signs: in addition to imparting information, they are pieces of art, works of regional craft, and thoughtful historical records created through an incredible process of partnership.
The local committee that created the Rockwood, Maine Kiosk at our May 12 Dedication
L to R: Ivan “Dodie” Turmel, Suzanne AuClair (committee chair), Francis Tomer, Gail Turmel, and John Willard.
We dedicated the new Rockwood Kiosk at the Kineo Boat Launch on Saturday May 12th at 1 pm. Fierce winds were whipping across the lake, but the bright sun matched the celebratory mood at the dedication where local partners joined with NFCT staff and board members as well as special guests Sandy Blitz, Federal Co-Chair of the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) and Carolann Ouellette, Director of the Maine Office of Tourism.

Our new kiosk at Long Falls Dam was christened (with real champagne!) on Monday May 14 at 1 pm. This is a more remote kiosk, and our gathering was smaller, but no less esteemed, and the rush of the Dead River below us added drama to the unveiling.
This gallery of photos helps convey the quality of the kiosks as well as the spirit of the gatherings.