The Northern Forest Canoe Trail (NFCT) is co-hosting Rapid Media’s Reel Paddling Film Festival World Tour 2014 on Thursday, April 17 with Outdoor Gear Exchange in Burlington, Vt. The film festival showcases the best paddling films from around the world.
The Reel Paddling Film Festival is in its ninth year and features award winning films in 10 categories. The festival inspires people to explore rivers, lakes and oceans, push physical and emotional extremes, embrace the paddling lifestyle and appreciate the heritage of wild places.
Films will be selected from entrants to the 2014 Reel Paddling Film Festival. A raffle of great outdoor recreation products will be held during the event.
The showing starts at 7:30pm on Thursday, April 17 at Outdoor Gear Exchange, 37 Church St., Burlington, Vt. Tickets for this event can be purchased for $12 adults/$10 students online in advance or $15 at the door.
Proceeds from this event support the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. This showing is one of four screenings of the film festival that NFCT is hosting throughout New York and New England.