Voices from the Trail
Category: Trip Planning
Best Time to Start a Thru-Paddle?
Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future. -Niels Bohr When Niels uttered those words he may have been contemplating how to figure out exactly where electrons might be at any given time. I find myself thinking…
Planning and Packing for a Thru-Paddle
So you’ve decided to dip your paddle into the waters of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Maybe you’re looking to buy or build a new canoe or maybe you’ll be sticking to a trusted old kayak. However you choose to…
Planning a Thru-Paddle?
Paddling the 740-mile Northern Forest Canoe Trail in one trip has been an exhilarating, trying, contemplative, exasperating and enlightening experience for those who have completed it. More than 80 people have made The NFCT List and each have unique stories…