Volunteer of the Month
Peter Macfarlane: NFCT All Year Round!
After through paddling the Northern Forest Canoe Trail in 2013, Peter Macfarlane continues to be on the trail and a part of the NFCT community!
Peter is the primary trail maintainer for Lake Champlain (segment Vermont 1) and co-adopts the Missisquoi River from the lake to Highgate Falls (segment Vermont 2). Last year he spotted damage occurring to our kiosk on North Hero and singlehandedly found a solution by adding protective tin around the post bases. Later that season, he joined NFCT’s Stewardship Crew to help construct our new Aquatic Invasives Wash Station at the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. Thanks Peter!
This winter, Peter kept active inputting data from NFCT’s sign-in box on his section into digital form so that we can crunch the numbers and understand paddler use on Lake Champlain and the Missisquoi River. And he’s already looking forward to the upcoming season as he will be joining us for some of the many events occurring on the Missisquoi River this summer
Professionally, Peter is the owner of Otter Creek Smallcraft and handcrafts lightweight cedar strip canoes. He put his product to the test when he through paddled the Northern Forest Canoe Trail in relentless rain in 2013. Read more about his business and his through paddle on his website. We are also found of his professional fiddler status and his many celtic fiddling pursuits.
Regardless to say, Peter is a man of many talents and we thank him for his help on the Northern Forest Canoe Trail!