WAITSFIELD, Vt. – Daniel Novak of Iowa City spent the summer as a Stewardship Intern for the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, Inc. based in Waitsfield, Vt.
Novak is a junior Environmental Studies and Philosophy major at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn. He spent six weeks working on trail stewardship projects that improved portage trails and campsites, and led a Waterway Work Trip on the Saranac River in the town of Franklin Falls, N.Y.
The 740-mile canoe and kayak trail connects lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and portage trails between the Adirondack Mountains and Fort Kent, Maine. Novak is certified in Wilderness First Aid and completed a National Outdoor Leadership School course in Wyoming.
To learn more about paddling on the Northern Forest Canoe Trail or becoming an intern visit http://www.northernforestcanoetrail.org or call 802-496-2285.