Win outdoor gear in the Northern Forest Canoe Trail’s 12th Annual Online Auction at The event is live now and until December 1, 2016, and is the ideal place to get paddling and camping gear in time for the holidays. Proceeds support the nonprofit’s mission to maintain and protect access to the longest inland water trail in the nation.
The auction includes name brand paddling and camping gear made by ExPed, Kokatat, Mitchell Paddles, Patagonia, Seattle Sports and Pelican watertight cases. Paddle craft include an Advanced Elements inflatable kayak package, an NRS inflatable SUP package and a 16-foot Wenonah Adirondack Ultralight Kevlar canoe ($2,699 value).
Up for bid are guided trips and lodging options along the canoe trail in the Adirondacks, and northern Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine including a stay at AMC’s Maine Wilderness Lodges.
Trail inspired products include an NFCT Signature Paddle by Shaw & Tenney, a watercolor titled “Adirondack Canoe” by artist Jeremy Harrison, and two nights at the Swift House Inn in Middlebury, Vt. courtesy of owner and NFCT thru-paddler Dan Brown.
The auction is live now through December 1 and is co-sponsored by Proceeds benefit the Northern Forest Canoe Trail which maintains the 740-mile water trail that connects lakes and rivers from the Adirondacks to northern Maine.