By Kate Williams
On Thursday, May 6, about 75 people gathered at the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine for what proved to be a wonderful NFCT evening. While I got most of the talking time to provide an overview of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, the evening really belonged to through paddlers Gil Whitney (first by kayak in 2009) and Donnie Mullen (first ever in 2000). Their remarks were brief and heartfelt, and they stayed a good half hour after the formal presentation to answer questions from the assembled (and pretty adoring) group. It was not only an informative evening, but had the feeling of a family reunion, as we all came together from our different corners to share a potluck dinner and learn what some of us are up to. My thanks not only to Gil and his wife, Kathy, and Donnie and his wife, Erin, for making the trek, but also to John and Susan Mullens for being incredibly organized and welcoming hosts for the event.
Gil Whitney, Kate Williams, and Donnie Mullen, with the NFCT Guidebook front and center.
As part of the evening, I learned that AMC Maine has no fewer than 71 hiking, biking, paddling events planned for this coming summer. Worth checking them out!