NFCT-AMC Chesuncook Village Snowshoe Weekend

On the weekend of Feb 10-11, 2012 the Northern Forest Canoe Trail and the Appalachian Mountain Club Moosehead Area School Project held a joint youth program. The trip leaders were Roger Poor from NFCT and Shannon LeRoy from the AMC.

It all started last summer when Northern Forest Canoe Trail ran a youth river trip on the West Branch of the Penobscot River and thought it would be good to connect these youth to the same country in the winter and well as introducing them to winter activities and teach them some winter survival skills.

On Saturday nine students and the trip leaders met in the Katahdin Steam Ship Parking Lot in Greenville and loaded into a van for the two hour drive up to the Pine Stream Road and then snowshoed old logging roads in three miles to Chesuncook Village, learning about animal tracks and winter tree identification along the way.

After they arrived in the village they got an introduction to ice fishing, built a winter survival cave and attended an evening program on winter survival, including learning the signs of hypothermia, and frostbite.

But mostly the kids played and had fun with each other. The quote of the weekend was when Caleb Henderson said, “I didn’t know you could have this much fun in the snow.”

For more information about the Northern Forest Explorers Program, contact Youth Program Director Roger Poor at (603) 801-9597,


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