And the winners of the 2011 Muddy Face Awards:

By Walter Opuszynski

Yes, folks, the prestigious Muddy Face Awards.  If you are working outside you are bound to get your hands and boots dirty, but you really have to be into your work (and a muddy situation) to get your face dirty.  Muddy situations are easy to get into if you are performing stewardship projects across the NFCT.  Before you know it you are rolling a large rock, digging a post hole, or pulling out an old bog bridge in ankle deep mud.  This newly established annual award is dedicated to those individuals who haven’t thought twice to roll up the sleeves dive in.


Peter Gerard and Nicole Grohoski

Just another Allagash mud bath.

This was a typical day in the trenches of the Tramway Carry.  Peter and Nicole trudged their way to higher ground, and in doing so, earned a Bronze Muddy Face Award. Silver:Zach Brock

We needed extra help out on the Tramway Carry and Zach was ready at a moments notice.  Used to performing trail work with the Green Mountain Club, Zach knew just what to expect and dove right in.  His work ethic and attitude was a great help. Gold:Robert SanGiovanni

A big congratulations to all the winners and everyone who wore a little mud this season in honor of a well maintained Trail.
