New Missisquoi River Access

The NFCT has constructed a new access to the Missisquoi River, providing paddlers, anglers and other users with new opportunities for outdoor recreation.

The river access was built this summer by the NFCT’s professional stewardship crew with support from local volunteers. The access is located on the Missisquoi River in East Richford, just downstream from the border with Canada.

The NFCT’s work this summer featured the installation of stone and timber steps as well as a gravel path. The project was funded by the Upper Missisquoi and Trout Rivers Wild & Scenic Committee (UMATR), established following designation of the river as a national Wild and Scenic River in 2014.

“This is now the first access point to the Missisquoi downstream of the international border,” Pollock said. “It’s a beautiful stretch of river that meanders past scenic islands, with quick water and class I-II rapids. It’s also a popular area for anglers. We hope this new infrastructure encourages more folks to check out this section of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail.”

Paddlers exploring this river stretch can take out at Leatherneck Landing, a conservation area in Richford, or run a set of Class III ledges and take out at Davis Park.

Elsewhere in the Richford area, the NFCT crew built a bench for the Brownway Access, another popular location for locals and visitors.

“There are some great trails along the Missisquoi near the Brownway property,” Pollock noted. “We think the bench will offer a nice spot for folks to sit and relax by the river.”

Richford is host to the Missisquoi Paddle-Pedal, a popular family-friendly race that takes place every July and features a paddle down the river and a bike back up to Davis Park. The NFCT hosts this event in collaboration with the town of Richford and UMATR. In recent years, the NFCT has implemented several projects in this community to improve safe access to the river for all users.

“UMATR and the Richford community have been strong partners to the NFCT over the years,” Pollock said. “We are committed to continuing our work to improve access and protect against environmental degradation in the region.”

As the only dedicated water trail crew in the Northeast, the NFCT’s stewardship crew specializes in projects at the interface of land and water, including campsites, portage trails and access points. To learn more about the NFCT’s stewardship work, contact Noah Pollock at
