Of Film Fests and Sign Dedications

By Kate WIlliams

Ah, life at the canoe trail is beginning to take on the wonderful chaos that we call summer.  For example, in the short span between 6 pm on Thursday, June 4 and 9 am Saturday, June 6,  I get to travel from Portland, Maine to Island Pond, Vermont as co-host of two different, fun events.  Let the road tripping begin – and please join me for either or both events!

Thursday, June 4, 6 pm:  Paddlers Film Fest at Southern Maine Community College in Portland, co-hosted with our good partners at the Maine Island Trail Association (MITA).  We will feature our 2009 line-up of paddling films, debuted at our NY Paddler Film Fest in April.  Information about both NFCT and MITA will be available, and paddling inspiration will abound.

Saturday, June 6, 9 am:  June 6 is National Trails Day, one of the high holidays of the trails community, so it’s a fitting day for the dedication of a new trailhead kiosk in Island Pond, Vermont.  Join us at the Island Pond Town Park for a brief event showcasing the partnership that created this kiosk, a ceremonial ribbon cutting, and prepared statements from Vermont’s Senators and Congressman.  And doughnuts.

Clyde Smith-IP-WebIsland Pond, Vermont
