WAITSFIELD, Vt. – A unique mix of more than 375 must-have items for paddlers and outdoorspeople – boats, books, paddling and outdoor gear, and unparalleled experiences in the rural region traversed by the Northern Forest Canoe Trail (NFCT) – will be up for bid during the 5th NFCT Online Auction happening Nov. 4 – Dec. 4.
A on-of-a-kind Wenonah Champlain canoe embossed with an NFCT logo, a Jackson Mini Tripper kayak, Gerber tools and knives, Osprey, Camelbak and GoLite packs, EcoUsable bottles, SteriPEN products, a SPOT Satellite Messenger, Louis Garneau cycling helmets, ExOfficio clothing, Kokatat and MTI lifejackets, and Primus camping gear will be among the hundreds of items available to shoppers.
The benefit auction is a convenient way to purchase top-quality items as holiday gifts, while supporting the programs of the NFCT. Last year’s auction raised more than $20,000 for the four-state water trail; the goal this year is to top $25,000.
“We have another great group of donors for this year’s event,” said NFCT Executive Director Kate Williams. “The auction connects our partners and friends with paddlers in or interested in the north country and its communities.”
The 740-mile Northern Forest Canoe Trail opened to the public in 2006 and follows traditional Native American travel routes over rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and portage trails between Old Forge, N.Y., and Fort Kent, Maine. To learn more about the NFCT visit http://www.northernforestcanoetrail.org or call 802-496-2285.